Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yippie! I cannot believe that I lost 4 pounds! It seems just like yesterday that I was in the 170's and now I am almost out of the 160's! My goal was to be at my 10% goal by next week, which would mean that I would have to lose 5 pounds next week. And how great it was that I did lose 4 this week, I do doubt that I will lose 5 pounds this next week. That would be a bit of a reach, however I will take whatever I get, just not a gain!

I have made a decision about the Half Marathon this spring. I'm not going to go for it. I think I should post-pone it a little while longer. Seeing that winter is coming and I haven't even ran a 5k yet, I think I should slowly work my way towards it. For a couple of reasons, so I don't get burnt out of running, both mentally and physically. And so that I can really work on my time, I want to actually run in the marathon and get a good time. I'm also a little worried about not being able to get enough running in this winter. I know I will sound like a baby, but it is getting cold out here. I still want to do the 5k at Christmas, and who knows maybe I will change my minds yet again as I get more running time in. We'll see.

I was getting really stiff last week and I realized that I was not getting my yoga in like I used too, I've been trying to get more in and I've found a session that is for runners. It really works out all the sore muscles and has really helped me this past week. For all you non-yogi's out there, you should really be giving this a try.

I also want to post a question out there (...this might be a bit much for guys, just warning you!) I am very well blessed in the boobies, I think the whole being over-weight thing has only added them in size. Well I want to be working the muscles under them so that while I lose weight they aren't hanging by my knees. Gross mental picture. Push ups? Pull ups?? What would work the best?

Ready for another week?? Eat well and Drink up!

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