Wednesday, February 27, 2008

thank yous

I am humbled by the response's that I have gotten over joining HYC08. I feel that I must admit that I have done poorly today, on the food and no exercise. To not blog and admit that I had a bad day I feel like I am hiding from what this challenge is about. I feel like I have my very own cheering crowd just for me, and I hate to let you down. Getting back on track is a little bit harder than I thought it would be. BUT tomorrow is a new day, there are no mistakes in it yet. (A quote from my favorite childhood books.)
Honestly I was shocked by the responses, this is definitely a group that I want to be a part of. Because I know somewhere out there in the world you all are dealing with the same issues that I am facing. And no one knows what it's like till they themselves try to get healthy to see what really goes along with it. The grass is never greener on the other side. It's how you grow and take care of your own grass that matters.

Thank you for the warm welcome and the encouragement. One bad day will not get me down.

no word from the doc yet, I was told to expect a call back within 48 hours.

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