Saturday, March 08, 2008

Workout Buddy

I feel like I have found THE secret to working out hard. Shh promise to share with everyone you know? Okay good, here it goes, are you ready??? Work out with someone! I know world shaking stuff, okay so maybe it's not new news but like so many things that I have heard and read over and over it does help. Let me tell you why, I for the first time am flying with one girl "Ginger" ( her nickname from Gillian's Island aka the Movie Star) and I told her I needed to workout. So we made a pack, and so we help each other when we are on layovers to go and workout in the hotels gyms. No ifs, ands, or buts! Not only did we workout (yea me!) but it made me want to work out harder than she was, it was challenging to short of gauge yourself against someone else. And it's not social hour, we plug in our ipods and we go for it. Now I was a soul workout girl for at least the last 5 years, which is also when I put on a good bit of my weight. So just maybe does this little bit of info that we all hear is so good for us, to have someone to workout with really has it's merits. SO if you are a solo workout girl, give it a try. It could be a group class, the lady down the street, anyone! Really what do you have to lose but a few calories along the way?


Ready Maid said...

Workout buddies are great. I've got one, but she's been on vacation for three weeks, and I leave for a week this Sunday. But when we're both in town, it's a good feeling to know you're not alone in the journey.

Hang in there, Kiddo. You're star material!

HappyBlogChick said...

I agree 100% - it is so motivating to work out with someone. I work out with a couple folks once a week, and knowing I'm going to be doing that helps me keep on track the rest of the week, too.

Heather said...

thanks for your note on my blog! glad I have found another yoga-lover!

I hear you about the exercise buddy...they are great if they are reliable. I had one in college and she was not so very reliable and I woudlnt go if she didnt and we were really bad motivation for each other. so Im glad you made a pack with yours and Im sure it will work out just fine for you both!