Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In the beginning...At 175lbs...

Well I did it. I have signed up for Weight Watchers for better or for worse...How can I even say for worse? This is about my life, enjoying my life, being able to be 100% a part of my life.
What really caused me to finally just go for it was my sister. Funny how things turn around. A week ago I told her I was going to leave her in the dust if she didn't sign up and so she did. And I didn't (more about my fear later...). She just completed week one and she lost 7.6 pounds! Granted that's how much I want to lose (well 10 lbs.) a month and she lost that much in a week! She did it. And it was hard. But 7.6 pounds!!!! It was worth the hardship.
So here I go. And I am off to one really bad start. I had a cake dounut with coffee for breakfast. I really didn't think about it when I got it, I just ate it right up. And yes it was SOOO good. Worth 6 points?? No way.
With my job I thought the on-line version would be more helpful to me and seeing as my sister goes to all the classes I can use her to answer and questions I might come up on. I've already been pickin' at her head earlier, online just doesn't seem very clear. But I've got some down time at the hotels this weekend to read through it all and see if online really works for me.
I'm kinda scared...What if I don't lose the weight? What if I can't get what I want to look like? Or get to my goal weight? I have a real bad case of the dreaded "WHAT IF'S?". I could get lost in that world.
But...I won't...I need to pull my head up and out of that muck.
I also want to start training to run a half marathon that will be taking place this spring. Early spring in the good old ATL. Being as new as I am about such things I had to google to find out how long a half-marathon even was, 13.1 miles! I don't know if I have ever even ran 1 mile and I want to run 13.1 of them?! I must be crazy or sick. I've hiked more than that so I know I can do it, I just don't have a love for running. And frankly my chest hurts when I run. (blush...The weight gain goes straight for the boobies...) I can only admit that because you don't know me! I want to try and be a runner. My secret goal is also to do a triathon. WHOA. I do love being outdoors and while I am not Miss. Athletic, I'd like to be. I do things now and they are not easy. Hiking is not easy, Wakeboarding is not easy. But if I was fit and healthy it would be easier. And I would get better, faster, stronger!! I have to keep this mind set while I am turning down some good "BAD" food. Aka---JUNK FOOD!
Let's see how the rest of the day goes...

1 comment:

Anne said...

Thanks for your comment, you can do this. We can do this together. I also follow online. One bite a time and one day at a time right?