Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Flight 643---BOS/BWI

I just wanted to share with ya'll something really exciting for me...yes even more exciting than running the Boston Marathon. :) (see post below)
I had the great pleasure of having at least 25 (or more if they changed out of their running gear) Boston Marathoners on my flight last night. What an amazing sight. And it was truly the best flight of the day. Runners are good people and they keep their heads on when they fly...And yeah most were passed out looking slightly uncomfortable folded up into what we call COACH seating. But never the less they all were proud and those that didn't run that where with those who did where rightly proud of them, sharing their times ect... It was like being apart of a blog...but actually getting to meet them all face to face. They were old, young, (really young a 16 year old ran most of the race with his dad) some didn't speak a lick of English but knew what thumbs up and a huge smile meant. It was a beautiful thing. Having never actually been a part of a race I can only guess and hope that it was like our plane ride last night. And I have a new goal for myself. Boston is one of my favorite places to go, and so ONE day I want to run that Marathon. One Day.

A few words for those of you one Flight 643 last night from Boston... You all are amazing and thank you for letting me ask and ask questions when I know you wanted to sleep. :) And to the man that said it was a walk in the park...yeah I'll see about that one day.

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