Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I had a wonderful weekend! And I even have the blisters on my heels to prove it!
This was the yearly Family Hike up Le Conte Mnt. in TN. weekend. And it was wonderful. However the weather didn't hold up as well as we had hoped. The hike up was cloudy and the higher we got the worse it got. It is one of the highest points this side of the Mississippi, so you can just guess what it was like hiking up in the clouds. And yes it even snowed/rained on us. But you know we didn't get to take pictures, and see the view. However the plus was because we didn't see the view we BOOKED it up that mountain. And had our best time yet. And the cool weather. It felt SO good. Sometimes things work out for the better. The hike down was cool and sunny and last year my husband basically ran down the mountain, I was walking a ways behind...not this year. I was running, and you know what it felt GREAT. It was a combo of two things I really enjoy, hiking and running. It makes me think about maybe a future in Trail Running? I know that it's hard core, but I really enjoyed trying to keep your balance while running down a very steep mountain side. And then the next day, the leg muscles hurt like hell. But in that good hell way. :) Like yeah, I hiked and ran this mountain. I love being in the mountains anyways...makes me want to run even that much more now. :)
Well I wanted to leave some pictures of the Mountain, but I'll have to post some of last year dew to the weather. So here you go....Okay having tech problem with posting I will get them up some time.

1 comment:

Wes said...

One of the nice things about trail running is the ground is so much softer on our ankles and feet! True, the hills are tougher on our thighs, but you got to have trade offs, right? Sounds like a great weekend! Have fun with the running!!