Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Week 2 update

Well better a day late than never. And so gos the bad news, I gained .5lbs. Am I surprised? No. Will it happen this next week? No. I didn't even make all my exercise goals, as you can tell with the weight gain. It might be a little bit to do with T.O.M as well...

SO this next week I believe my goals are as follows:

  • Workout 30 minutes 5 times

  • Do 3 strength training days

  • Do 3 yoga/pilate's
  • Do sit ups and push ups for 5 days
  • Lose 1.5 pounds

All is the same except the sit ups and push ups. Which I believe will be my March New Years Resolution. You see this year I decided to do something different as far as new years resolutions go, seeing how you always fail after January is over I decided that I would make a new N.Y.R. every month, and so far so good. It is much easier to think of only having to do this one thing for a month vs. all year long. And here is the kicker, after you do things for what is it 2 or 3 weeks it's a habit. So really this has been the best and easiest way so far to get my goals done. I'm going to just pick something new every month that I want to work on and give it a month, so for this month it is going to be 25 sit/push ups 5 days a week. If it's too hard or easy I'll adjust as necessary. So here it goes!


Anonymous said...

Your exercise routine looks great. I'd not worry so much about the weight. Have you done your body measurements? They are much more telling of your composition especially since you are strength training regularly.

I like your monthly focus for something new. You're gonna do it!

Hanlie said...

I like that approach of yours. It's something I also advocate - introduce new things one by one and only add more when you know that you've got the previous ones ingrained. Thereby you're always building on a solid foundation...