Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Edorphins love me and I love them.
Can you tell that I started the "Couch-to-5k" running program? I love it. The music is a little uhh not my taste but it's different and it does have that beat. You know the one the play in ALL the gyms?
But he was really helpful, it was like having my own personal trainer. Someone else to watch the clock and tell me when to slow down and speed up. When to run, when to speed walk. This works baby! Lovin' it! I am going to run that 5k and then the marathon! Don't get me wrong it was kinda hard, mental note to self---Never, ever, workout on an empty tummy. I was about to crash half way through the workout. Funny I should know better, I just flew with a girl that broke her wrist for the very same reason. You think I would learn... :) We'll see how sore I am in the morning.

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