Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I am proud to say that the only bit of candy that I have eaten today is a small bag of Whoppers. And I even counted in the points and yes I am giving away candy. :) How great is that? This year however I did buy candy that is not one of my favorites so that I would not be just that much more tempted. :) I don't even have any kids of my own but I feel like I owe it to the people to who's houses I will be talking my kids to one day, to at least give out candy. And I will admit it used to be a really good reason to get tons of my favorite candy in the house without the guilt. It's not for me! It's for the Trick or Treaters! It's the same lie we all tell ourselves every Halloween and Easter. Okay and while I am talking about Halloween I might as well admit that I did carve out my own pumpkins as well. :) Ones really cute with a scared looking face and then the other is really neat looking with a witch and a ghost coming out of the witches pot holding a pumpkin. Yea, I told you it was cool. What can I say? I am just one of those people, a lady told me the other day that I should of been a Kinergarden Teacher. Ummm that I just don't think I could do, and I am not that Holiday crazy I just have tons of sisters (and one brother!) who also have a ton of kids. You can't help how you were raised! Just wait till Christmas ya'll!!!
I am also baking right now...yes I do use that thing called a kitchen every once in a blue moon. :) I made the BEST pumpkin cookies ever. I swear & the best part is they are only worth 1 point! And no they are not diet food, it's just that good for you! Yummy... oh there goes the door bell...
A mom with her kids out trick or treating just asked if I ever wanted a running/walking buddy she's new and would love too. I'm guessing she lives in the neighborhood?

Maybe she saw me out there today? How cool was that though? So I just might have a new friend. Have I said yet in this blog that I love running & not only running but what running brings?

Today was just the most perfect day ever and after I got all my things done that I needed I came home and I went out for a run. And for the first time ever I was not looking at my feet, I was looking at the sky the leaves in their beautiful colors. Yes I do love running, and I wonder if running on the treadmill has helped my balance and so is that why I am not looking at the ground any longer? Ummm And running on the road is much harder still and that makes the decision of slowly going for the half marathon that much of an easier choice. However I do like running outside a million times more than the treadmill. It only puts me about a week behind on the running program, but I think I will be a better runner for it if I do run outside for the rest of the week. :) Just perfect.

Okay ya'll have a GREAT Halloween and do enjoy some candy...just not all of it!

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