Thursday, October 26, 2006

Marathon Runners

I must admit something, I am a lurker. You've caught me! I wanted to read about runners and I have found ton's of blogs. Mostly about running the Chicago Marathon. Hearing about how hard it was but how worth it was in the long run. And then reading about how the recovery was supposed to be no running, but they couldn't stay away. Because after all they had fallen in love with running, and you cannot keep a runner away from the road. I cannot wait till that is me. I want my very own bib number and a medal, do they give medals to all runners? Of feeling so proud that you completed a marathon, you ran yourself from the start to the finish. I write as if I know what it feels like, but really I have no idea. It's only something that I can live through others eyes (or rather their blogs!) right now, at least till I can do it for myself. I'm getting myself there bit by bit. One more run on the second week of training and I think I will be ready to move to the third week. Today was even better on the run than before. I do think I need to step it up a notch in the "brisk" walking parts. I think I am letting my heart rate get to low and then I speed it right back up for the run. I'm going to work on that this next week.
I am also really worried about the fact that I did lose 4 pounds in one week. I mean can I keep this up? I do not want to deal with a gain. Funny shouldn't I be so happy about how much I did lose? And now I am worried about gaining it back. Well I should be honest and tell you why, I have pretty much all of next week off. And if you've been reading you know how bad I am at keeping up this pace at home. It's going to be a real test of strength of just how bad do I want this. I guess I could try and be a homemaker and actually plan and make the food for the week. :) I've got such a loving husband, who loves to cook. Needless to say I will be on blogger quite a bit, to gain strength from all you out there. And as a way to be kept even MORE accountable.

1 comment:

Aleks said...

You feel absolutely know how it feels, I can't wait to hear about the journey to your marathon!

I have felt that feeling of losing a lot one week and worrying about the time I weigh in and gain. When it happens, it's easy to get down on yourself but you quickly recognize why you gained. You address it and move on... use it as motivation for the following week. But you still get "that feeling", when you're about to get on the scale and hope you don't see a + something from the previous week.