Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mind over Body

I had my last run of week one today, and I must admit it was a very bad one. Seeing that I am at home and I quit the whole gym thing cause I really wasn't home enough for it to make sense to pay all that money. Anyways running outside is much better, and now that it is cooler outside it feels great right? Well I took the path and I didn't eat enough protein to really go out for a run. Note to self ****eat more before workout****. I couldn't stick with running, I mean I could of, I really could of if I pushed myself, and it just Want there today. I couldn't get it together. I'm to ashamed to even write what little I did run. But it was a lesson learned. And the one thing I am learning a lot about lately is that "life happens". Yes you might say, but really at 25 you're just finding this out? No hear me out. While on my trips, life is great, I eat what I had planned out, I workout how I wanted too, I drink all my water..Maybe too much. I don't really (hardly ever) eat anything I shouldn't while away. But when I am at home all hell breaks lose. I'm pretty lucky if I workout and even though I try to eat right, well we eat out a lot. And the husband is always asking me what I can have ect...I just lose all willpower when I am at home. Ahhh!!! And I am this close to getting to the 10 pound marker...Which means I might fit into the pants I had last year. How did it ever get this far? If anyone has any ideas or tips on how to win mind vs. Body, please let me know... Is it by eating more protein???

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