Thursday, November 09, 2006

Busy Bee

I know it's been a while. It's been busy, and my computer cord is broken! Again, so I cannot charge my computer till we get a new cord. I feel lost without my computer.

This past week was not one of my better ones. I worked out well up to the weekend and then well, things happened. But I still had a 1.5 pound loss this past week. Which makes it a total of 14 pounds lost. I can't think of once when I have lost 14 pounds before. I am really proud of myself, however I know that it could be better if I would workout seriously. No matter how far I have come, there is still so much farther to go. I am still not out of week two with the running, and it's not because I cannot do it. It's because my mind is still putting up road blocks. When I see a hill, it tells my body that it cannot do it...And I try to fight it back, sometimes it wins other times I win, and up the hill I go. Maybe it will never get easy, maybe it's not ever supposed to be. I don't know if I would like it as much if it was ALWAYS easy. Take today, a beautiful day in DC and I went for a run, after my little warm up it was time to run. I have never seen my legs go like they did before. They wanted to run, they were begging for it and off they went. But by the fourth interval it was up a hill and I just couldn't do it anymore. I had to walk off the rest of the run. Disappointment was HUGE! I was feeling really good out there. It helped that is a beautiful, sunny, cool autumn day. With cute little houses and sidewalks! I wish I could live in a place like this. There where all kinds of moms out running their kids with those running-stroller things. The colors of the trees oh wow! It was just a perfect setting, I never want to run on a treadmill ever again! It was just really disappointing not being able to make a strong run throughout. But I will be back, seeing that this is one of my favorite new places to stay now. And the next run will be stronger. Am I not saying the Right thing to myself to push myself up the hill or what? I can't wait till I look back at this all and I am stronger, and I can run faster and farther. :)

Well I am going to go and see what kinda of gym this hotel has and see about maybe doing some weights. It will make me feel a little better! Have a good day Ya'll and drink up some water!! (I also will try and post later and tell you all about the golf TOUR...)

1 comment:

Aleks said...

I'm inspired by your 14 lbs weight loss, and the 1.5 lost this week. That is a huge accomplishment! A 1.5 lb week is a great week!

The running will come, you're out there and you really seem to have developed a passion for it. When you have that, the improvement will come! Keep up the great work!