Friday, November 10, 2006

Giving Thanks

Do you know what one of the best things about blogging are? That you can for a few minutes pretend that nothing else is going on. You make friends with people you may never meet face to face, but you know their passion, ie. running, marathoning, hiking, camping, ect. Whatever that passion is you can talk about it blog after blog and people still will come back and read the blogs. If I were to talk this much about running & losing weight in my day to day life, I might not have any friends any more! Okay it's not THAT bad, but a small part is. My friends are not into running, anything really health related. So I get my advice and encouragement from you bloggers out there!! I am not sure what I would do without you all! Even those of you that don't know about me...Yes I am a bit of a lurker. I'm still shy even in the bloggers world. Your stories make me want to try and push myself harder daily to be able to share my own story of triumph.
You all have given me a little view of what being an athlete really is, of the hard work that goes into running a Marathon, even a 5k for that matter! You've made it real, not just something I've read about in a magazine. For that I thank you all. And watch out, one day at one of these marathons I will be out there and I will thank the finish line.

1 comment:

Aleks said...

:) Yes you will, we'll be looking for updates on progress, struggles and big wins. We're always reading, don't forget how much you inspire your readers!