Thursday, January 11, 2007

workout blues

I'm back for another week of pure bliss! I am really getting used to these "mini" vacations. The reason for this one is my true loves B-Day weekend, even though it's not his b-day till the 16th. And no I am not going to tell this week be as bad as the last week off! It's a week off of work, it is not going to be a mini vacation of eating right and working out.
I did pretty good eating wise this week, a few bumps but they were mostly out of being stuck on plane with Mr. Personality him-self and being sleepy...emotional eating is all it was. As far as the working out, well I did two days. I kicked it up to another level on the running program and did some cardio and strength training on my arms. I can tell that I was a slacker, I became slower and sorer (is that a word?) than normal. But it felt good to get back into the swing a little bit, I think I should of taken it a little easier though on the weights. I am not one of those girls that is worried about looking like I stepped off of Muslce Beach. It makes me laugh to even think about it. Well I like lifting weights, it makes me feel strong and you can actually see that yes there is some form of a muscle in those arms and legs. But I really should know what I am doing before I jump into pumping iron! Needless to say I think I over extended my right shoulder a little bit and well I was in pain all day yesterday, (it feels much better today) you now that feeling you get in your arm when you sleep on it funny all night? Like sorta stiff and sore? Well that's what it felt like. Lesson learned.
Okay so I am really excited I am a little more than half way through one of my books: "The Fitness Factor by Lisa Callahan, M.D. ". At first I was disappointed, I could of gotten all this info out of a 3.99 copy of "Shape". But then the real stuff came, and she is wonderful now in my book. I am a real nerd about things and I like knowing what is going on in my body when I workout, eating, etc. I want to know what I am doing to my body, what's going on, what I can do... you get the point right? Well She goes through it all. How to pick a workout, how to progress, what's going on, how... She answers a lot of my questions. This is a wonderful book for people that didn't listen in P.E. or Science Class. Or for someone that whats a personal trainer, yet has a budget for a book, then this is the book. It is really giving me a good starting point. Like okay I know about heart rates and such but I really didn't. Has anyone tried to watch their heart rate without a monitor? Is it hard? Any tips? I really cannot afford one right now, and I understand now how important it is to know your heart rate and how to workout with that in mind. Or does any one know of a cheaper model that is reliable? Yes, I am getting back into the grove and it feels good.
Reading the book really makes me miss school. I love learning, (here's the nerd in me again) I love taking tests, writing papers, actually going to class. Are you ready for some truth? I never finished school. I moved out to Georgia and then got married. And we can't afford for both of us to go right now. And yes I love learning, but I have no real goal in mind of what to go after. I read all the time, even more with this job. All I do know is that whatever I study I want to be able to own my own business. I do not want to "go to work". 9 to 5 is not for me.
All life's questions cannot be answered in one blog. Bummer.

1 comment:

Aleks said...

It's funny, I know exactly what you mean about being scared to get back to it after you've taken time off. It is so important to just get back at it, but it can be so intimidating! What if you fail when you succeeded in starting the first time? How much will it hurt? And how much strength did I lose after taking time off and urgh, now I have to work my way all the way back up?!?!

I have to admit that having a heart rate monitor really helps. The main thing it does for me is justify that I'm working too hard and that I should slow down. However, I can tell that without a heart rate monitor, I just need to listen to my body!

I absolutely think you can get by without a heart rate monitor as you build up on distance. Eventually you'll want one in preparation for your marathon. You can get crazy when it comes to monitors with GPS and all the bells and whistles. My friends and I mostly wear the same model for about $99 online. It has all of the necessary functionality and it's coded so you don't pick up other people's monitors around you (especially important at the gym). Here's a link for when you're in the market:

We have the pink one. :)