Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The meaning of the word ASHAMED

a·shamed (ə-shāmd') adj.

1.Feeling shame or guilt:
2.Feeling inferior, inadequate, or embarrassed: .
3.Reluctant through fear of humiliation or shame:

[Middle English, from Old English āsceamod, past participle of āsceamian, to feel shame : ā-, intensive pref. + sceamian, to feel shame.]ashamedly a·sham'ed·ly (ə-shā'mĭd-lē) adj.
I am ashamed.
Ashamed that for some reason I eat junk and think it's okay I'll be good tomorrow. And tomorrow comes and goes and I am still not eating right.
Ashamed that I'd rather sleep then workout. Day after day.
Ashamed that I feel like I have not only let readers down, but my sisters and most importantly myself, over my lack of comitment.
Ashamed that yes this just might be another year of the ugly black swimsuit. And pink boardshorts.
Ashamed that I fell in love with running and have let running down.
Ashamed that I have yet again failed on a diet...even if I called it a life style change.


Wes said...

Hey girl! Yay! Another Atlanta blogger!! In answer to your question, I lost most of the weight through running. I also cross train by swimming once a week and biking once a week. I know you have commented before, so you have been around for a while. I am always glad to hear what you have to say, so don't be shy :-)

Now, as far as this post goes. GET OVER IT :-) Life is like a river. It doesn't pick itself up and set itself down on a new path. No, it gradually works its way through the opportunities and possibilities laid out in front of it. Go with it, and divert your life little by little into running.

Here's what helped me, and you can do it too:

1. You need a plan. There are lots for free on the internet. If you need help finding one let me know.

2. You need to race. Start out with some 5Ks and go up from there. I did 5K, 5K, 10K, 5K, 10K, then HM. Trying to do a Half Mary as your first race is not a good idea.

3. Find some friends/running club to run with.

Dee Dee and I are doing a 5K in April. It is a benefit for The Walker School. We would be delighted if you would join us... Just a thought.

Jenny said...

Ouch. I could have written that :-( I'm painfully familiar with the bad eating, and the plan to start over tomorrow and the laziness and the misery over not wearing cute clothes and the feeling of total failure when I ditch the gym and overeat again. It's so hard but you've just got to keep on trying - one day at a time right!

Thanks for coming to say hi on my blog. To answer your question I'm not following the couch to 5k programme but a similar one that I found in a book - there's a link to it in my sidebar.