Friday, March 09, 2007

Running vs. Walking

So the first race on my list has come and gone. And I did not run. Nope. Not me. I don't know why sticking with running is such a hard thing for me. Maybe it will get easier once it warms up! I am also getting to realize that maybe running is not for me. WHAT??? GASP! Let me explain, running is hard for me in the fact that I am overly blessed in the ummm can I say the upper region of my body?! And that hurts, the bouncing. All I need is a really good bra I know, but I hate buying new clothes with losing weight. It seems like a waste of $50 to $65 bucks to me. But then I remember what it did feel like to run and maybe it is for me. Maybe I'm just not a every-weekend-running-in-a-race-wearing-running-tights-type of girl. Not yet anyway. I am trying to be more open with the possibilities that are out there. I still am going to am for running the Disney Marathon and we see about the Nike Women Half-Marathon. I think I might of been trying to get to the finish line the race before it has even really started, because I do love running, well I love where running will take me.
In thinking about this lately I've kept going back to something I've wanted to do for a while now. Walking the Appalachian Trail. I know that this is something I want to do. I'm a little scared about going myself, and I've not done enough backpacking to really know what I am doing by myself. But I am in a time crunch. My Husband will be graduating from college this December, and getting a more permanent job. So we'll be more settled and well...maybe kids? Since it takes a while to walk 2000 miles, you can't really do this and have a little one at home. And you can only hike it at a set time each year to make it from one end to the next. March is ideal for hiking it from the south up to the north which means that I have one year to get ready and make up my mind. Help me! What do you think? I really want to do it... And I do have a year to get ready. It will just take a whole lot of dedication and determination to accomplish this. But it is something I want and think it's something that I need to do. I need to walk 2000 miles. Am I crazy?

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