Monday, June 25, 2007

People?? where??? RUN for your life!!!!!

Why lately am I developing this fear of people? Not so much a fear but I would rather be ANY where but there with people. I would rather be at home watching a movie even doing laundry over hanging out. And I was not like that before, it would always make me a little nervous to meet new people but I would be able to hide that and come off really confident and interact with others well. But lately I've been really freaking out when my husband wants to go out and hang out with friends. May I say I've been a royal bitch to him most of the time? I always end up saying sorry the next day because I feel bad, I over reacted and then I need to apologize for the way I acted. Mostly to him. And It's not like I don't at least know two of the people of the group that's always there. So it's not like he is asking me to hang out with strangers all the time. And it really hurts him, and it's not me. It's not who I am, I get grumpy about it and just sit there. I don't try to talk to others it's like I get a chip on my shoulder of who I am, and I don't have anything in common with this people. Not that I am better than them, it's just they are not someone I would be best friends with so I don't really bother to talk at all. And I don't get out there and do things either, at the latest party there was horse shoes and I didn't play but once and yes I was pouting the whole time. When it should of been silly and fun. And normally I would of laughed and had a ball. At this time I was drinking too, so that should of loosened the belt a little right? It's as if I lost my confidence of being around people. Not good, whatever happened to just live life and laugh and have a good time? And truthfully it's been happening more around T.O.M. which is unusual because again that is not like me. Maybe I am having a little bit of unbalanced hormones?
At least I feel better talking about it...with whoever wants to read about it. Which is funny when you think about everything I just wrote. But face to face is much different trust me.
I'm trying to get back into the real swing of things, with eating and such. I was doing well, but the weekends are always the worst. But hopefully there will be a change on the scale this week. I am really trying to get into better shape for my birthday in August, I am turning 26 and that means only 4 years left till I am 30. And I still have yet to be in the best shape of my life. I've also read that your metabolism slows down starting at 25 and gets slower year by year. I need to make this change for good now. Before it gets just that much harder to do. :)

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