Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I am proud to say that the only bit of candy that I have eaten today is a small bag of Whoppers. And I even counted in the points and yes I am giving away candy. :) How great is that? This year however I did buy candy that is not one of my favorites so that I would not be just that much more tempted. :) I don't even have any kids of my own but I feel like I owe it to the people to who's houses I will be talking my kids to one day, to at least give out candy. And I will admit it used to be a really good reason to get tons of my favorite candy in the house without the guilt. It's not for me! It's for the Trick or Treaters! It's the same lie we all tell ourselves every Halloween and Easter. Okay and while I am talking about Halloween I might as well admit that I did carve out my own pumpkins as well. :) Ones really cute with a scared looking face and then the other is really neat looking with a witch and a ghost coming out of the witches pot holding a pumpkin. Yea, I told you it was cool. What can I say? I am just one of those people, a lady told me the other day that I should of been a Kinergarden Teacher. Ummm that I just don't think I could do, and I am not that Holiday crazy I just have tons of sisters (and one brother!) who also have a ton of kids. You can't help how you were raised! Just wait till Christmas ya'll!!!
I am also baking right now...yes I do use that thing called a kitchen every once in a blue moon. :) I made the BEST pumpkin cookies ever. I swear & the best part is they are only worth 1 point! And no they are not diet food, it's just that good for you! Yummy... oh there goes the door bell...
A mom with her kids out trick or treating just asked if I ever wanted a running/walking buddy she's new and would love too. I'm guessing she lives in the neighborhood?

Maybe she saw me out there today? How cool was that though? So I just might have a new friend. Have I said yet in this blog that I love running & not only running but what running brings?

Today was just the most perfect day ever and after I got all my things done that I needed I came home and I went out for a run. And for the first time ever I was not looking at my feet, I was looking at the sky the leaves in their beautiful colors. Yes I do love running, and I wonder if running on the treadmill has helped my balance and so is that why I am not looking at the ground any longer? Ummm And running on the road is much harder still and that makes the decision of slowly going for the half marathon that much of an easier choice. However I do like running outside a million times more than the treadmill. It only puts me about a week behind on the running program, but I think I will be a better runner for it if I do run outside for the rest of the week. :) Just perfect.

Okay ya'll have a GREAT Halloween and do enjoy some candy...just not all of it!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Marathon Runners

I must admit something, I am a lurker. You've caught me! I wanted to read about runners and I have found ton's of blogs. Mostly about running the Chicago Marathon. Hearing about how hard it was but how worth it was in the long run. And then reading about how the recovery was supposed to be no running, but they couldn't stay away. Because after all they had fallen in love with running, and you cannot keep a runner away from the road. I cannot wait till that is me. I want my very own bib number and a medal, do they give medals to all runners? Of feeling so proud that you completed a marathon, you ran yourself from the start to the finish. I write as if I know what it feels like, but really I have no idea. It's only something that I can live through others eyes (or rather their blogs!) right now, at least till I can do it for myself. I'm getting myself there bit by bit. One more run on the second week of training and I think I will be ready to move to the third week. Today was even better on the run than before. I do think I need to step it up a notch in the "brisk" walking parts. I think I am letting my heart rate get to low and then I speed it right back up for the run. I'm going to work on that this next week.
I am also really worried about the fact that I did lose 4 pounds in one week. I mean can I keep this up? I do not want to deal with a gain. Funny shouldn't I be so happy about how much I did lose? And now I am worried about gaining it back. Well I should be honest and tell you why, I have pretty much all of next week off. And if you've been reading you know how bad I am at keeping up this pace at home. It's going to be a real test of strength of just how bad do I want this. I guess I could try and be a homemaker and actually plan and make the food for the week. :) I've got such a loving husband, who loves to cook. Needless to say I will be on blogger quite a bit, to gain strength from all you out there. And as a way to be kept even MORE accountable.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yippie! I cannot believe that I lost 4 pounds! It seems just like yesterday that I was in the 170's and now I am almost out of the 160's! My goal was to be at my 10% goal by next week, which would mean that I would have to lose 5 pounds next week. And how great it was that I did lose 4 this week, I do doubt that I will lose 5 pounds this next week. That would be a bit of a reach, however I will take whatever I get, just not a gain!

I have made a decision about the Half Marathon this spring. I'm not going to go for it. I think I should post-pone it a little while longer. Seeing that winter is coming and I haven't even ran a 5k yet, I think I should slowly work my way towards it. For a couple of reasons, so I don't get burnt out of running, both mentally and physically. And so that I can really work on my time, I want to actually run in the marathon and get a good time. I'm also a little worried about not being able to get enough running in this winter. I know I will sound like a baby, but it is getting cold out here. I still want to do the 5k at Christmas, and who knows maybe I will change my minds yet again as I get more running time in. We'll see.

I was getting really stiff last week and I realized that I was not getting my yoga in like I used too, I've been trying to get more in and I've found a session that is for runners. It really works out all the sore muscles and has really helped me this past week. For all you non-yogi's out there, you should really be giving this a try.

I also want to post a question out there (...this might be a bit much for guys, just warning you!) I am very well blessed in the boobies, I think the whole being over-weight thing has only added them in size. Well I want to be working the muscles under them so that while I lose weight they aren't hanging by my knees. Gross mental picture. Push ups? Pull ups?? What would work the best?

Ready for another week?? Eat well and Drink up!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Head of the Charles

I have a new found love (again) for being fit. As I said in an earlier post I had one of my layovers in Boston this weekend. And it just so happened to be the same day as the "Head of the Charles". http://www.hocr.org/home/default.asp That should be the web sight so you can get an even better idea of what the weekend was all about and of course for pictures, seeing that I didn't have my camera the one time I really wished I would of had it. But anyways, you know what I love about Boston? Besides it being the home of the Boston Marathon of course, well I guess that is a part of it all. I love that there is always people running, and I don't mean "to the store" or "to get a cab", it's because they want to. And they are running with their babies in those cool running baby carries, they are running their dogs. And if they are not running they are riding their bikes. Everywhere. It's like being in Denver. And it was just a beautiful fall weekend. Everyone was bundled up drinking their Soy Lattes, (I swear, one place was giving it away FREE!) And then I saw the rowers...(probably not the right term to call them! hey I'm still new at this!) They had rock hard bodies, solid muscle, but completely toned. In others words they didn't look like they could beat up my 6 foot brother-in-law. And they had to work completely together...it was nice seeing teamwork. But I am still torn with solo sports. Anyways it really inspired me to be the one being cheered on. Having people, tons and tons of people watching, admiring, wishing they could be in your place. I want to feel the rush of comptention with other people, of pushing yourself even when you can't go on. Whatever the sport may be I want to be on the other side of the show, I am not watching from the sidelines anymore. It's not about the weight anymore, it's about getting to the point of being an athletic girl. It really was so BEAUTIFUL...and eye opening for me. Just you wait and see, I'm gonna get there.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


What's up with the numbers 11.5 you ask? Well... that's how many points I went over today. Yes in one day alone. And really I know why I pigged out, you see my husband left to go out of town for the weekend. I hate being alone. Weird isn't it? My job is all about being alone really, and when I am out on a trip, yes I miss him but it's work. It's what I do. But at home this is where we are supposed to be. It's made me know what it feels like to "walk in his shoes for a mile". I don't know how he does it. Me leaving all the time. He is the most amazing man ever.

All I can do is work hard tomorrow and really watch what I eat for the rest of the week. That I can do, I didn't even workout today! I really needed a day off. SO I will start back up tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it. Me looking forward to running. Stranger things have happened. I have yet something else to work toward now, we've decided to take a week off this March and go to St. Simon Island for a week. It's off the coast of Georgia and although it's not "tropical" island it is a wonderful place. We spent a weekend there last spring and I still remember wishing I was a runner, to run the beaches in the morning. It's something I've always wanted to do but seeing I was never a runner, and I was embarrassed to just go and run. Like it was something I might do wrong. Not this spring. I will run the streets and the beach in St. Simon. Change feels good. Just even the little bit of running I am doing has changed so much, I am looking forward to seeing how it's going to effect my life this next year. I read that when you start to change the way you eat and the way you live your life it may only take you 6 months to lose the weight but to really change the way you live it takes a year. One year to go through all the changes, birthdays, holidays, weddings, summer time, winter blues....All of it. If you can make it though the year well your just that much closer to it being normal life. It's only been 1 month and I think I did really well. And I have to make it though the hardest Holidays first... Thanksgiving & Christmas. My wish is to make it though the season and to still be losing weight. However I will be perfectly happy with myself if I don't gain anything. But I do want to lose so that will still be the goal. And I have accountability this time. I'm not worried, bring it on!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

No Vegas for me! The whole weather thing in Atlanta really messed things up and yes they recrewed us! We got to go to New York instead, and that meant the hotel with the Sauna!!! Even if it means getting 6 hours of sleep. My whole body hurts after lugging the suitcase around. It's been bad. I would like to say that it has made me think more about what I pack, but not really. :) A girls gotta have her stuff!
I woke up this morning feeling very skinny. Let me rephase that...I woke up this morning feeling thinner. :) Just a little bit, like maybe all this hard work is paying off? Funny how now that I am doing more running and hard cardio workouts and less yoga I can really tell the effect it had on my body. It's much tighter and sore after the day of the workouts. I need to make it a point to add yoga every day again.
Time is creepin' up on me, gotta go.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wheels, you've gotta have them!

So I forgot to tell you that my wheels on my suitcase fell off! That means I get to lug around my lunch box, my flight bag and my suitcase (which weighs a ton! This laptop is really more for watching DVD's rather than lugging it around the world.). All day today, with two plane swaps and to the hotel, and then again tomorrow with a plane swap and to the parking lot. It should be fun and I should have a good arm and back workout by the time this is all over! What did people do before wheeled suitcases where around???

Vegas...yes again... :-P

I've got to get all my internet duties done today, seeing that I am headed to Vegas AGAIN! And Vegas is known for a lot of things but having a great connection is not one of them, it takes like 1 hour to just up load a page. That's real high speed folks! I guess they don't really think that you are going to be in the room much, they want you out gambling! Well I am only going to be there for 11 hours. And that's if we get out on time...There's weather in Atlanta, and if you've ever had to fly through that airport you know what it means...DELAYS. I do hope that we get reassigned, on this turn. Anyways...
I was supposed to do my second week of training for the run, but that means that I would of had to run in Vegas. Second thing that Vegas is not known for...Hey maybe it's just my hotel (no gym). So I just switched the days and I ran today. It felt GREAT, I think I am getting really hooked on this thing called running. I am kind of nervous about the fact that I might be running miles and miles one day, and then working out hard! Woo-hoo!! I am not seeing much of a change in my body butt it is getting easier, I am not as out of breathe as soon as I was before. I am feeling good though, I'm not as tried at the end of the day. And I am actually looking forward to the workouts. Even weirder. I am loving it...

Monday, October 16, 2006


I lost two more pounds already! I again had to weigh in early, seeing as I started a trip just a few hours ago...Which is a great thing as far as the weight loss and training are concerned. As I stated in the lost post I have a problem sticking with things at home. Which is weird, shouldn't it be the other way around? Harder on the road and easier at home? Well anyways I am happy with the loss. I was going for three pounds to make the first month an even 10 pounds lost, but I think I just might be able to live with 9 pounds.
I'm also beginning to wonder if I can really run 13 miles in March. I haven't even ran 3 miles yet, let alone 13. But I think I am still going to keep training for it and when the last fee is due (in Dec.) before the price rises again I should have more of an idea?!?? I should also of gotten in at least two 5k runs by that time. But I am pretty discouraged after the last run, I guess we shall see then huh? I'm starting week two of training tomorrow, there's a Ballys Gym next to the hotel that we get a free pass to use and I am crossing my fingers for a sauna... Ahhh nice. It will be nice to use newer, cleaner, more options of machines...a real gym!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mind over Body

I had my last run of week one today, and I must admit it was a very bad one. Seeing that I am at home and I quit the whole gym thing cause I really wasn't home enough for it to make sense to pay all that money. Anyways running outside is much better, and now that it is cooler outside it feels great right? Well I took the path and I didn't eat enough protein to really go out for a run. Note to self ****eat more before workout****. I couldn't stick with running, I mean I could of, I really could of if I pushed myself, and it just Want there today. I couldn't get it together. I'm to ashamed to even write what little I did run. But it was a lesson learned. And the one thing I am learning a lot about lately is that "life happens". Yes you might say, but really at 25 you're just finding this out? No hear me out. While on my trips, life is great, I eat what I had planned out, I workout how I wanted too, I drink all my water..Maybe too much. I don't really (hardly ever) eat anything I shouldn't while away. But when I am at home all hell breaks lose. I'm pretty lucky if I workout and even though I try to eat right, well we eat out a lot. And the husband is always asking me what I can have ect...I just lose all willpower when I am at home. Ahhh!!! And I am this close to getting to the 10 pound marker...Which means I might fit into the pants I had last year. How did it ever get this far? If anyone has any ideas or tips on how to win mind vs. Body, please let me know... Is it by eating more protein???

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."
Yes I had loss of more than half a pound! I had to weigh myself on Monday because I wasn't going to be home on Tuesday and hotels don't put scales in the weight rooms. What's up with that? SO I weighed myself and for the whole day I thought that I had only lost half a pound again. Then this morning I entered in my weight (168!) and it said that it was a pound and a half different from last week! How did I get half a pound? I never said I was great with math but really... Anyways I will take that extra pound! That brings the total weight loss to 7 pounds! Only 3 more pounds till 10! I can't even remember when the last time was that I lost ten pounds!
Las Vegas was a blast. However it did rain and if you wanna go to Vegas and you are worried about the free drinks flowing, well go wed. night while it is raining. No one was there...And the drinks so I had two. The whole night! And we stayed away from the bad food and actually ate really well. As far as the gambling went...I only lost 12 dollars! I won 10 bucks at the very last minute on a nickel machine! Three red sevens in a row! How lucky am I? And it was just really wonderful to hang out with my sister, someone else who says points to much and thinks way to much about new ways to eat more for less points and working out! Wonderful!
Not only did I get to spend a wonderful time in Vegas I also got to spend an amazing weekend with my Husband and my Father-in-law. I know this is going to sound weird but I am one of those people that get along with their in-laws. EWWW I know, but I do. I actually spend quite a bit of time with them, and it helps that they have this wonderful lake house in north Carolina. Yeah that helps. :) (so I later felt bad saying this...I'd love them even if they didn't have the house, I swear.) So we spent the weekend up there and the leaves there changing, oh it was so pretty. I do think the best weekend will be two weekends from now. And I have to work!
:( But I get to go to Boston....more on that later! We drove the motorcycle through the mountains, I think I need to live in the mountains. Some day... We rode over to the Joyce Kilmer Park. And we hiked around, if you have never been there it's this park with the biggest poplar trees ever, once we took seven adults to wrap around the tree trunk. So yea B-I-G trees. I love the type of people that go hiking and this park is a bit out of the way, so to go here you must plan it and go out of your way. He also wrote my Grandfathers favorite poem, the first poem he had to learn for school. It's just a very special place for me because of my love for nature and the meaning it holds with my Grandfather. This is the poem....

I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.
- Joyce Kilmer
Ahhhh.......so sweet.
Check back for pictures of the hike and for pictures of Vegas! I lost my up-loading cord for my computer to my camera so it might be a while but I will get them up.
All in all it was a great week and I still am more than ever ready to get this week going. I've already done my running and weight training this morning. And I've rethought the way I eat a little, I'm going to try to eat up all my fruits and veggies before I get to the 100 calorie snacks. My major down fall. And my goal is to workout for 40 minutes each day. And then each week add more time. And I'd also like to move to the second week of the running program next week.
It feels good to be back. Cheers to the new week!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jump rope

Who knew that jump rope could be so hard? Or maybe I am just really that outta wack! It felt good, got the heart rate up and even got a sweatin' going on. :) I've got to get the 3 pounds this week... I'll be a workout nut by the time this is all said and done.
I was resting up yesterday looking for some cute running gear when I found two really great sites. I'm sure all you "real" runners out there have already found these sites, but just in case...
They have the running skirts! Duh name site and all but I didn't even know such things were around.
They have something more for all sports, which is wonderful. Seeing as I am not only a runner! I am also a hiker, ect... And I love the fact that they have girl only classes. It makes me wish I lived in Colorado. Well just add it to the list of reasons, I really would love to live out there!

I really don't have much to say other than letting you know about the cool sites, eating has been going well, I just need to workout even more. I had a dream last night that I was up before dawn running miles after miles. It felt good, even if it was a dream! I can't wait till it's real life!

Oh yeah, I head out to Vegas tonight! I'm really excited but worried, I need to be good. Stay away from the buffets and keep track of the drinks. I'm bringing my own breakfast and lunch along with some snacks... it should help! Vi Va Las Vegas!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Getting Back

I was checking my e-mail when I got this really great message...I thought I would pass it along. Funny how things work like this isn't it?

Tuesday, October 3
Getting Back on the WagonIt happens — you miss a few workouts and you feel like your weight-loss plan is totally derailed. It's tempting to mentally slap yourself around, right? Before you start, I want you to remind yourself of something. Being hard on yourself is the Old You.
The New You knows how to deal with setbacks and get back on the wagon. And after all, there are no mistakes, just learning experiences. Weight loss is a process — it takes time. You will encounter small failures — everyone does — but every pound you gain can be lost.
And if you miss a workout, it's not the end of the world! Get to the gym the next day and continue to focus on your short-term goals. Just because you made bad choices today doesn't mean you can't start over tomorrow. New day? New beginning. And don't you forget it.


"Feel pride in how far you've come and confidence in where you're going."

I really needed this saying to start the post off. As you can see the weigh-in this morning was less than I had hoped. But it was a loss, and I believe I just said yesterday that I would be happy with any loss, even a half a pound loss. Well I lied. I am happy that it wasn't a gain as this week really was the worst week to date. But only half a pound, again? I don't want this to be a trend, one week lose half a pound the next lose 4.5 pounds. Well I guess that wasn't so bad. :) So I went over what I did wrong this past week and I've come down with three factors.

  • I didn't even match how hard I worked out two weeks ago.
  • I didn't drink half as much water
  • Beer...lot's of beer (yes even AFTER the ice cream!)

That's the things I need to really work on this week. And I've already started, I bought a 1 liter water bottle and plan to drink and re-fill it a couple times today. I did over sleep this morning so I didn't get the workout in this morning but I will when I get home tonight. I plan on doing more yoga, jump rope, and maybe even a walk with Molly. (the best golden retriever in the world!) I think after last week I thought the weight would just magically fall off, without having to try at it. Well if it was that easy this wouldn't be an obese filled country and I would be a skinny mini. Just like the fact that unless I train I will never be able to just pick up and run 13.1 miles. Yes I did learn my lesson and I am not going to let this keep me down. I've tasted what success feels like and I am not about to give up now. I am going to give these four weeks my all, I've been holding back. I know I can do better than what I have been giving. There is more to me than that!

My biggest hurdle this week will be my long Vegas layover! You know what Vegas means, good food at all times of the day and free flowing beer and other alcoholic drinks! But my sister, who is also doing W/W with me is driving up to see me. So I will have a support, but really there will be drinking going on. Who am I kidding? So if anyone has any idea on drinks to get that are point friendly, please let me know. I'm also thinking about doing something "fitness" while out there, besides all the walking. Any ideas?

Here it goes...seven more days to change...little by little...day by day...

Monday, October 02, 2006

End of Week # 3

Has it really been three weeks? It hasn't seemed like it has been that long. I think this is the longest that I have kept with one diet, I mean, with one life change. :) I am really proud of myself. That I showed myself that I can do this.
I don't believe my weight will show a big loss this week, I didn't work out as much as I did last week and I didn't drink as much water. I drink tons of water, maybe to much, when I am working but when I am home it's harder. Like I forget to drink. I need to just keep a water bottle with me at all times. And the working out---I started the running program again, and my heels did fine. The nikes...wonderful! It felt great to run in shoes that didn't have wear marks in the sole! Or that were actually made for running! Oh it's the little things that make me happy. SO my new training plan is to run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday. Of course that will change every week regarding the abilty with work to workout.
I almost gave up on the run this evening, I thought the golf course would be a safe easy place to run. Safe yeah, easy no way! Do you have any idea how hilly the course is? Every time it was telling me to run it was always up a hill. How is that for luck? But all in all I figured that when I do run marathons it is not always going to be flat. So why train on flat ground? What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...who said that anyways?? And did they ever run?
I do hope there is a loss. Even if it is only, yes, half a pound. I'll take it. Anything but a gain. I still have to get to my 10% goal by the end of the month!